We put the best products of the market in a colorful and stylish bag that you can take with you everywhere
Shuk in a sack
- A bag of salty ravioli snack from Levinsky market
- Pistachio Halva from Jerusalem
- Sumac baladi from Hatikva market
- "Mizrachi" black coffee, a 60-year-old roastery from Hatikva market
- A huge chocolate yeast cake that is not from the market but is the best in Tel Aviv from "Boulangerie 96"
- "Herzl" boutique beer
- A bag of gummies from "Hatikva market" with all the stars: an egg, snakes, carpets, Coke and other celebrities :)
- A jar of the tastiest olive mix from the "Abramento" deli in the Levinsky market
- An emotional blessing for the family
Everything comes in a colorful market bag (each bag has a different color) with our ticket or yours :)